One of our three Halloween class pictures.
November is a perfect time to learn about Los Alimentos y su procedencia/ The Foods and their origin! As you we already know, kids are like information sponges, every little thing we say or do, they’re listening and watching, even if we don’t always think they are. So, obviously, what we say and do around them matters, but we also need to extend this to what we eat and how we eat it. Thus, the objective for this unit is that students must grasp the concept of healthy foods versus junk foods. They must also could categorize foods into their respective food groups.
This month we will play several games and activities to introduce food groups and healthy eating to kids. We will also explain the four food groups. Fruits and vegetables grow on trees or plants and many have seeds. Protein foods include animal meat and beans. Dairy foods are milk products, and grains include foods with the ingredients that make bread. The kiddos had fun this week with our first activities related to the cow and we associated the things that they can eat with the cow like;
ice cream/helado,
sour crema/crema, and

Making mantequilla!
We did several different projects: sensory play activities, paper cows, and the kiddos prepared their own butter and spread it onto little pieces of bread and then, they ate it! They had a lot of fun making butter
Here is the recipe:
½ pint of heavy cream
1 clean pint jar or other similarly-sized container with a tight cover or lid, preferably plastic
1 clean marble
Directions :
- Take your jar and place the marble inside
- Pour the cream into the jar and screw the cover on tightly
- Have the children shake the jar. A figure-eight motion seems to work best, but let your kids go wild (not so much, if the jar is glass). If you have a plastic container with a tight lid, you can even roll it back and forth.
- Listen for the marble bouncing up and down.
- After the marble cannot be heard anymore, you’ll know the cream is thickening. Keep shaking, and you will soon start to see the glob of butter form
The marble will go silent as it is enveloped by the butter.
- Find and remove the marble
- Place the butter into a container of your choice to store or use.
The end result: a delicious scoop of butter!
This week we learned all about the letters M m /la letra M m.. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English and Spanish letter M make the same sound. Examples: mamá, mano, mono, mariposa, murciélago. We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter Mm, reading books, tracing the letter, and games of letter recognition.
We were working with the numbers 1-5 doing different activities, like counting cows, blocks, tracing numbers and recognition of numbers with games, and finding the numbers into the classroom.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. We talked about it and passed around the shape so the children could examine it up close. We compared different sizes of the triangle shape. Also, they did an activity to draw, count the sides of a triangle and cut triangle shape.
Have a good weekend.