Welcome! We are so excited to start the new preschool year. It was so nice to see so many returning faces as well as several new ones. Each class, T/TH AM and M/W/F AM and PM has new and returning students. This is nice for everyone as there are students to model our routine songs, appropriate behaviors and expectations.
We started our first week exploring the classroom and school. Students were introduced to several of our routine songs:
- A limpiar (the clean up song),
- Buenos Días or Buenas Tardes (our Good Morning or Good Afternoon songs),
- Si estás contento y lo sabes (If you’re happy and you know
it song),
- Los días de la semana (the days of the week song), and more!
We use our daily calendar for many things (so please arrive betweem 8:45-9:00 in the AM and 12:30-12:45 in the PM). We are learning about circulos/circles, familia/family, la mamá/mom, and el papá/dad.
The kiddos, even on the first day, did a great job repeating and then continuing the pattern on the calendar. Ask your kiddos to find patterns in everyday things at home or while you are out and about.
Our first theme of the school year is: Mi familia y yo / My Family and Me. Our main book this week was: ¿Tu mamá es una llama? Story time is a great time to practice sitting in a group, listening, acting out certain parts of the story, repeating after the teacher, re-telling and sequencing. These are all things we will work on throughout the year.
Letras y Números
This week we really focused on identifying our own names. We did many activities and crafts to help us with this. Younger students are working on recognition while older students are working on correct pencil/marker grip and correct formation.
While out and about, or while reading a book at home, ask your child if they see any letters from their name. Have your child do their name puzzle while they are waiting for …dinner, or breakfast, or a snack.
There are several things that we can all do to make this a fabulous year for your children, their teacher, and you!
Please remember to sign in and out each day.
Please remember: Morning preschool arrival is 8:45-9:00 and ends at 11:30. Please do not arrive prior to 8:45. (Every minute of teacher prep time is valuable!) Afternoon preschool arrival is 12:30-12:45 and ends at 3:15.
We will release your children one at a time to avoid confusion. We will have your child check their drawer (cajón) each day to take papers and notes home. Please make sure there is space in their backpacks to hold new items.
Please let us know if someone different will be picking your child up. (They must be listed on your registration form and must provide photo ID.)
We will be messy! Please don’t send your child in ‘nice’ clothes.
If your child is an all-day student please be sure to send a water bottle. We have a “no juice/no milk” school policy.