Welcome to all preschool families!
I am so happy to have your children in my class!
This week we started working with a socials skills activity. This activity was a great w
ay to ease anxious feelings, while allowing children to celebrate differences amongst each other. Circle time social skills are very important. Circle sitting tends to make everyone equal and encourage participation to all kids, so I announced to them that this was “all about us” time. Everyone introduced themselves and shared their favorites and special things! it was a wonderful activity.

We are also working with the “My family” topic for the month of September. This week we read ¿Tu Mamá Es Una Llama? where the kiddos learned some Spanish words as llama/llama, vaca/cow, cisne/swan, murciélago/bat., also we worked in different activities building up their fine motor skills. In addition, we sang songs, danced and played.
The children practiced tracing their names. We work on holding all writing utensils correctly. Grip is important! Recognizing the first (or all) letter in their names was our focus this week.
This week we worked with number 1. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities with the number such as making number 1 with play dough, and coloring it, identifying groups of the number.
This month we are working with the circle shape, el círculo. We talked about the shape, passing it around, so the children could examine this shape up close. We compared different sizes of the circle shape and students sorted the shape from others.