“All kids need is a little help, a little hope, and someone to believes in them” Magic Johnson.
Welcome preschool families! We are so happy to have your kiddo’s in our class!
Everything we do is an opportunity to learn, show kindness and caring for each other, and to have fun! This week we began our new school year by working with a socials skills activity. This activity was a great way to ease anxious feelings, while allowing children to celebrate differences amongst each other. We begin with our circle time as circle sitting tends to make everyone equal and encourages participation to all kids. I announced to them that this was “all about us” time. Everyone introduced themselves and shared their favorite and special things! It was a wonderful activity and our returning students set great examples for our new students and helped ease some shyness.
Also, we began working with our “My family / Mi familia” topic, which is our theme for the month of September. This week, we were read ¿Tú Mamá Es Una Llama? We learned some new Spanish words:
llama / llama
vaca / cow
cisne / swan
murciélago / bat

Focusing on the first letter of our names is a great start!
Also, we worked with different activities to build up fine motor skills. In addition, we sang songs, danced and played.
Each week of the school year we will focus on a new letter. We will introduce the upper and lower case letters to the class. We will sing songs while passing around objects that begin with that letter sound. We will play games with the sound and learn the correct formation of the letter. (Most uppercase letters begin from the top down.) This first week of school though the students started practicing their names. They used play dough and traced their names with it as well as sorting their names by first letter.
Every two weeks of the school year we will focus on a new number. Our goal is for the preschoolers to count, develop number sense, identify groups of a given number, correctly write numbers, and more!
This week we worked with number 1 / número uno. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities to work with the number such as: make number 1 with play dough, trace the number one with crayons and markers, identify the number in a group of other numbers. Also, they glued tissue paper onto the number (developing those fine motor skills).

Color sorting AND fine motor skills practice all in one.
Figura y el color
Shapes is one of the topics taught during preschool mathematics. We will talk about shapes every day but we will specifically focus on one shape each month. The students will not only learn the name of basics shapes but also how they integrate with each other. This month we are working with the circle shape / el círculo. We passed around different circles so the children could examine them shape up close while hearing the name. We all had fun tracing the circle with their little fingers.
We focused on the color red / color rojo. We went on a color hunt around the classroom and found red items all around us.
It was a great start to the school year and we are looking forward to a great year!
Thank you and have a good weekend!