I cannot believe that the holidays are almost coming!!
This week we continue working with The Farm/La Granja unit. The kids did a great job learning animal’s names and sounds. This week we read a book El Chivo en la Huerta/ The Goat in the Orchard, and Dubi, Dubi Muu book. The kiddos enjoyed this book that shows us a trip to the county fair and involves secretly entering a talent contest-unbeknownst to Farmer Brown-to win a trampoline. In the contest tres vacas/three cows, cuatro ovejas/four sheeps, cuatro cerdos/ four pigs and un pato/one duck participated. After reading the book the kids were singing the same as animals did, in different tones.
Also, the kiddos did different projects, such as chivo/goat paper plate and a goat mask. In addition, I explained to them about cows and what they give us, as example, leche/milk, queso/cheese, mantequilla/butter, and meat. So, we did a little experiment and they milked a “cow” by hand. It works just like a real cow!!!! All I did was fill a rubber glove with water and a bit of tempera paint to make it white and a tiny bit thicker than water. I poked a hole in one of the fingers. Then, I hung my little “Milk the Cow” I had to pinch off one of the utters with my thumb and pointer finger to trap the milk in the utter-so that it doesn’t go back up. Then, the kids squeeze it!! The kids think this is the neatest thing ever!
This week we go learned all about the letters Tt /la letra Tt. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English letter Tt can be pronounced in English T(Ti). While the Spanish pronunciation is T (te). As example
tortuga/ turtle
We did activities as, find the letter Tt into our classroom and letters game, draw, coloring and recognition of letter Tt.
This week we worked with the number six (6)/ número seis doing different activities like placing five watermelon seeds into the watermelon, counting mole cows, and sorting activities with colors, shapes, and sizes.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued working with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. The kids played in the classroom looking around for triangle shapes and green color. They played games doing figures, using different sizes of shapes as circle/ circulo, cuadrado/square, and triangulo/trinagle.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J