20171201_094844December is here, I can’t believe how fast this year has gone. This week we continued working with and finished the unit “Los Alimentos y Su Procedencia/ The Foods and its origin!” This week kids had fun doing activities related with fruits and vegetables, in our circle time we promote the importance of and encourage eating five or more servings of vegetables and fruits every day. Our goals of this week were;
1. Children will become familiar with a variety of vegetables and fruits and the importance of eating them.
 2. Children will be made aware of where to find vegetables and fruits (grocery store, vegetable/fruit stand, farmer’s market, garden).
3. Children will be made aware of the importance of eating five or more servings of vegetables and fruits each day. We did different project like, paper corn, carrots, paper watermelon, glass of lemonade. To finish the week, kids chose their favorite fruits and veggies from our fruit and vegetable market. Then they chose meats, chicken, fish, eggs, bread, milk, yogurt to complete their plate of food. They had fun playing this game 😊!
This week we went over the letter Tt /la letra Tt. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The pronunciation of this letter is the same in English and Spanish. As example:
tortuga/ turtle
We did activities as, find the letter Tt into our classroom and letters game, draw, coloring and recognition of letter Tt.
This week we went over number six (6)/ número seis doing different activities, like placing five watermelon seeds into the watermelon, counting corns, blocks, tracing the number and sorting activities with colors, shapes, and sizes.
La Figura y Color20171127_112022
This week we continued working with the triangle shape (triangulo), and green (verde) color. The kids played around the classroom looking around for triangle shapes and green colors. They played games doing figures using different sizes of shapes as circle/ circulo, cuadrado/square, and triangulo/trinagle.
Have a good weekend!
Macky J