This two short weeks we were working with celebrations. We worked with Christmas celebrations. We read Cuentos Clasicos de Navidad / Classic Christmas Stories as, Rodolfo El Reno / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer and La Navidad de Clifford/ The Clifford’s Christmas. We read about different ways that the kids learned values, generosity and to share with others. The students were learning with different examples and activities using this topic. As well, they learned that Holidays give us a wonderful opportunity to share with others. The kids were really exited learning a little bit of the Classic Christmas Stories. It is amazing to see how they enjoyed this stories. The kids worked with activities as, Reed Nose Reindeer, Christmas three, Ginger breadmen, and ornaments. In addition, we sang the song campana sobre campana, the kids love this song!
This week, we reviewed the vowels/ las vocales (A, E, I, O, U). We did activities, vowels games, drawing, coloring, and vowels recognition in our daily reading.
We were working and reviewed the numbers 1-6. The kids are doing a good job counting 1 through 6. We did different activities, as counting and recognizing the number through dots, Legos, stickers, color and trace the numbers. The purpose of these projects is that kids recognized the number and counting the number too.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with rectangulo shape (rectangle), and yellow (amarillo) color. I talked about it with the kids, passing around the shape so the children could examine this shape up close. And, we compared different sizes of rectangle shape as well.