Los Días festivos del Mundo
What a great week! This week we continued with celebrations.
Monday and Tuesday we learned about the Kwanzaa celebration and then continued the rest of the week with Cuentos Clasicos de Navidad / Classic Christmas Stories. Rodolfo El Reno / Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer was a particular favorite for the students. We also tried to show that Holidays give us a wonderful opportunity
to share with others and the opportunity to learn our different traditions. The kids were really exited learning a little bit of this Classic Christmas Stories. It is amazing to see how they enjoy the stories. We worked with different activities doing Kwanzaa crafts and Christmas crafts (Ornaments, Santa Claus, and Reindeer).
Las letras y los números
This week we learned all about the letter Nn /la letra Nn. We also reviewed the number 9/ nueve. Be sure to point out this letter and number when you see them on signs, in stores, or when you are reading. The English letter name is said N(en). While the Spanish letter name is N (ene). The letter N makes the same sound in both English and Spanish.
A few examples of N words we used in class are:
- naranja / orange
- nueve / nine
- nudo / knot
- nube / cloud
The kiddos are doing a good job counting 1 through 9. We had fun with different activities throughout

the week. One activity, which can also be reinforced at home, is counting and recognizing the number through dots with different colors (1= green, 2= baby blue, 3=orange, 4=purple, 5=red, 6=yellow, 7=pink, 8=brown, and 9=blue.) Everyone also really enjoys forming groups of a number using 9 stickers! The purpose of these number projects is to help the kiddos recognize the number as well as counting up to the number.
We sang a lot of songs related to the number 9 and letter Nn. I’m sure you will hear some of our classroom songs during the winter vacation.
Have a wonderful holydays, see you next year!!!