This week we continued and finished our month topic “Celebraciones”. I personally enjoy this unit because kids were able to learn a little bit about other culture’s traditions such a Kwanzaa, Hanukah and Christmas. For the little ones, Christmas is a magical time of the year.We talked about how Christmas is not just all about receiving gifts, it’s also about doing things for others. Besides, learning about the tradition of other cultures is essential in today’s global classroom. We learned about the Christmas Mexican tradition. We were able to learn that in Mexico Christmas is celebrated from December 12th to January 6th. From December 16th to Christmas Eve, children often perform the “Posada” procession (in or lodging) they celebrate nine posadas. These celebrate the part of the Christmas story where Joseph and Mary looked for somewhere to stay. For the posadas, the outside of houses is decorated with evergreens, moss and paper lanterns. In each posada, children are given a candle, they call at the houses of friends and neighbors and sing a song at each home. The song they sing is about Joseph and Mary asking for room in the house. But the children are told that there is not room in the house and they must go away. Eventually, they are told there is room and are welcomed in! When the children go in the house, they say prayer of thanks and they have a party with food, games and fireworks. One game that is often played at the posada parties is a piñata that is a decorated clay or paper-matche jar filled with sweets and hung from the ceiling or tree branch. Children take turns to hit the piñata with a stick until it splits open and the sweets pour out. The children rush to pick up as many sweets as they can!!
People in Mexico also celebrates “los Santos Inocentes” or “day of the Innocent Saints” on December 28th and is very like April Fools Day. Another important day is in January 6th called “El dia de Los Tres Reyes Magos” ’ Epiphany, the Feast of The Three Kings”.
They were very excited knowing about Mexican tradition, and the best thing for them I believe was to have the experience to live a little bit of this tradition as, singing and breaking the pinata, and rushing to pick up the sweets!!
After all, kids did crafts related with Christmas such as a crown for Santa Claus, a crown of a star, they also did their name on a paper snowman, they played with piñatas, and they did a Christmas card for their parents.
This week, we reviewed the vowels/ las vocales (A, E, I, O, U). and letters M, S, P, T, N We did activities as, letters games, draw, coloring and letters recognition.
8 Ocho

La Figura y el Color
This week kids continued learning the rectángulo shape (rectangle).We explained that rectangles are like a square stretched out. It is a shape longer than it is wide, and it can be turned so that it is wider than it is long. Each rectangle side has a corresponding side of the same length. I showed them a picture of a rectangle to demonstrate. Then, kids were looking for rectangular toys, blocks and rectangular books to play with and be more familiar with the concept of what a rectangle is. As well, the kids were coloring rectangle shapes with yellow color and playing with yellow blocks and bears.
I hope all families had a wonderful winter break and enjoy their holiday!!!