Nursery Rhymes/ Rimas Infantiles
This short week, we began our new unit on Nursery Rhymes/ Rimas Infantiles. We worked with EL Payaso/The Clown. (Cuando el payaso esta feliz, se le cae la nariz). It was a fun short rhyme for the kids. Playing with
Spanish Rhymes, children explore the mechanism of language. Rhyme also help the kids to build vocabulary and develop sounds distinction/ recognition. We did different activities related to El Payaso/The Clown Rhyme such as as; we sang songs, we made a clown, puzzles, and clown’s hat.
Las letras y los números
This week we reviewed the consonants we have covered so far this year. Mm, Nn, Ss,Pp, and Tt /las letras Mm, Nn, Ss, Pp, and Tt. The English letters, can be pronounced as, M (em), N (en), P (pi), S (es), and T(ti). While the Spanish pronunciation is; M(eme), N(ene), S(ese), P (pe), and T (te). Some examples, mama/mother, manzana, apple. Nido/nest, naranja/ orange. Sopa/soup, sandia/watermelon. Papa/father, pelota/ball. Tomate/tomato, tortuga/turtle.
We also worked with the number 10 doing different activities such as counting 1-10 using stickers, dots, counting objects, counting how many shapes they find. Also, they worked tracing the number 10. We sang songs related to the number 10 and letters Mm, Nn, Ss, Pp and Tt.