This week we continued working with our socials skills activity and “Family” unit. We talked all about families with our “Family “preschool theme. We use this theme as a guide to learn more about families and what makes up a family. We have worked with reading book as “Eres tu Mi Mama”. “Are You My Mother?” This is a story about a hatchling bird. His mother, thinking her egg will stay in her nest where she left it, leaves her egg alone and flies off to find food. The baby bird hatches. He does not understand where his mother is, so he goes to look for her. As he is unable to fly, he walks, and in his search, he asks a kitten, a hen, a dog, and a cow if they are his mother, but none of them are. Finally, his mother returns to the nest and the two are united, much to their delight, and the baby bird recounts to his mother the adventures he had looking for her. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning new words as:

gato / kitten,

gallina  /  hen,

perro  /  dog,

vaca   /  cow.

The kiddos were very excited to share their family pictures with their classmates and teachers.(one funny thing; more of kids said this is my family but I don’t want to share my family, you can see them, but don’t take my picture 😊). In addition, the children did activities with: a bird nest, cows, cats and birds placing little dots of paper mache. These activities help them to build up their fine motor skills.


We practiced tracing and writing our names. We also did a name recognition activity with letter beads and letter stickers.


This week we continued working with number 1 / número uno.  We  had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities such as tracing number 1, coloring and counting 1 drum/tambor.


This month we will continue working with circle shape / circulo, and red/ rojo color. This week we enjoyed using scissors to cut small pieces of red paper to place it in circle shape. We looked around the classroom for circle manipulatives and traced the circle shape. Also, we played sorting colors and recognition of red color.

It was a great week. Thank you!