Present & Past / Presente y Pasado
This week we continued working with our “Present and Past” Unit. We continued studying a variety of pictures that represent typical items from the past and comparing them to those same modern day items. The children did a great job participating and recognizing which pictures represent the past and which pictures represent the present. We also worked with the theme of Valentine’s Day, teaching the children that Valentine’s Day is a day to share with the people we love, our friends and family. I also taught
them that the most common symbols of Valentine’s Day is the heart, especially the red and pink ones. We also talked about how friends usually give out chocolates, flowers and stuffed animals on this fun day.. The kids did a great job doing activities related to Valentine’s Day: printing their little hands, making a flower, decorating hearts. They loved to share with their friends.
This week we continued practicing the letter B/ letra B. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The English and Spanish pronunciation of this letter sound are virtually the same. We traced the letter with crayons, traced the letter with markers on the blackboard, made the letter with play dough, sand and rice too.
This week we started working with the number 11/el número once, doing different activities, like counting and sorting 11 eleven/once with little manipulatives: bears, beans, little play dough balls. As well, they worked tracing the number 11/número once in a piece of paper.
This month we continued working with corazon/heart shape, the kids did different activities with heart shape as, cutting a hearth shape and glue it in a piece of paper, glue a little pieces of paper in a hearth shape too. Also, the kids were passing the shape to examine the heart shape up close. We continued reinforcing the color names we have learned: rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, cafe/brown, and the new color to learn this month pink/rosado. Kids had fun searching around the classroom for pink color too.
Have an excellent long weekend!