This week we continued working with our “Insects” unit. On Monday the kids learned about ants. The kids learned about the life cycle of the ant (huevo-egg, larva-larva, pupa-pupa y adulta-adult). Tuesday was amazing, sharing with the little ones and their parents at the Omsi museum. It was a wonderful experience for the kids learning about precious creatures. We had the opportunity to see a variety of insects such as dragonflies, butterflies, scarabs, as well as a diversity of grasshoppers and other precious creatures. Wednesday and Thursday we worked on “El Día de San Valentín” activities. The kids had a great time decorating hearts and then place them on the cards and goodies exchange. They were very excited exchanging their Valentines cards. We also played games to review the vocabulary of the month Hormiga-ant, Abeja-bee, Mariquita-ladybugs, Mariposa-butterfly,


New vocabulary:


Luciérnaga- firefly,

Avispa- wasp.


Los insectos

Como se hace la miel


Letter reviewing M m, N n, P p, S s, T t, D d, B b Cc  (adding a vowel “a” in each syllable such as:  ma, na, sa pa, ta, da, ba, ca, ba)


10 – diez (We counted manipulatives and recognition of numbers in our daily calendar.)


Heart – Corazón


Pink – Rosado