Preschool lunch fun!

Preschool lunch fun!

Los Piratas

What a great week! This week we really focused on maps. We had a great time placing ‘treasure’ on a map according to Maestra’s directions. Maps provide a great opportunity for us to practice our prepositions or locations.

Try asking your child to lod58dc608a97c44487ee4e043da997e47ok for something under/debajo, over/sobre, on top of/encima, next to/al lado de, around/alrededor. If your child is a pre-K kiddo, try using right and left in your descriptions. Ask them to hide something and then have them use their words to give you hints. (Telling or giving directions is a huge skill!!)

We did a fun craft this week using circles / circulos and half circles / medios circulos. We practiced following directions and placing certain colors on top of or under other colors.



IMG_1046Las letras y los números

Our letter focus for the week was the letter B. This sound makes same sound in English and Spanish.

Next week we will work with the letter K.

This week we worked with numbers 1-13.  One activity we did this week was multi-task. Maestra worked with a couple students on correct letter and number formation while the other students played ‘escondite‘ / hide-and-seek, counting in Spanish to 13 or higher of course! This was great fun!! We also counted everything around us!

It was also fun to work with our special shape, the heart/ el corazon.