This week we continued working with our “Past and Present” Unit. The kiddos are really enjoying this unit and doing a great job understanding their lives compared to the lives of people who lived long ago. We worked in our little book “El Pasado y el Presente/Past and Present,” coloring the pages and recognizing the time in each page if the pictures represented the present or past. As well, the kiddos continued working with games such as, memory games of past and present, placing the pictures in the correct place” Pasado o Presente/Past or Present”.
Pre-k did a great job explaining to the whole class what Pasado and Presente/ Past and Present means. They did an awesome job. It’s amazing to see how these little ones absorbed all the information that they learned in class.
Vocabulary review of this month:
Casa -house,
Escuela -school,
Carro -car,
Caballo -horse,
Telefono -phone,
Computadora -computer,
Avion -airplane,
Tren -train,
Estufa -stove
Vestido -dress,
Vela -candle,
Lampara -lamp
This week we reviewed letters: vowels (a, e, i, o, u) M, S, P, T, N, F, L, D, and B.
We did activities with letters games, letter recognition, bingo, and vowels song too.

This week the children worked with the number 11 / número 11. As well as reviewing the numbers that we see every day in our classroom calendar, we counted 1-22 and most of them counted very well! They did different activities counting and recognizing the number through bears, play dough, and dice game. As well, I encouraged them to trace the number eleven on the classroom board.
La Figura y Color
This week the kiddos continued learning the heart shape(corazon). The children had fun with activities tracing hearts and looking around our classroom for the heart shape. Also, the kids continued learning and working with pink color/color rosado and also the colors they have learned like rojo/red, azul/blue, verde/green, amarillo/yellow, brown/cafe.
Have a great weekend!
Macky J