This week we continued working with our  “Insects” unit. This week the kids learned all about the mariquita-ladybug insect.  We learned the ladybug life cycle (huevo-egg, larva-larva, pupa-pupa y adulta-adult).  We also learned that the mariquita  is a little insect and belongs to the scarab insects family. The mariquitas can be of different colors such as orange, red, and brown. They have little spots, lines or simply nothing. The mariquitas are omnivores, meanie they eat plants and other animals like the áfidos-aphid. The kids did an amazing job working with the mariquita and firefly actividades. We reviewed the vocabulary of the month Hormiga-ant, Abeja-bee, Mariquita-ladybugs, Mariposa-butterfly, Mosca-fly, Luciérnaga- firefly, Avispa- wasp.

New vocabulary:



Escarabajo- scarab,


Los insectos

La Mariquita Malhumorada


V v ( tracing letter and gluing paper Mache on the letter)


10-diez (recognition of numbers in our daily calendar, count and find the number in a soup game)


Corazón (reviewing the shapes)


Rosado -pink(as well as reviewing all colors throughout the week)