Los piratas y los mapas
This is our final full week with our pirate and map theme. We had fun walking the plank (or balance beam) while listening and singing to our pirate song. Walking on a balance beam is a great gross motor skill that we will continue to work on.
We also did a few more fun pirate crafts, really focusing on those location words from last week. Our pirate face and pirate ship hand were big hits!
We used a new rug and followed rivers with our finger to see where the water flowed. Guess what! The rivers usually flowed into the ocean!
We played a fun math game where we rolled dice and then covered that many parrots on our paper. The first one to cover all their parrots wins! This game was great because it worked on so many skills:
- taking turns
- counting or identifying the number on the dice
- one-to-one correspondence (to cover the correct number of parrots)
- good sportsmanship if you win and if someone else wins
Pirate Science
Pirate science? I’m sure your kiddos came home all excited about finding treasure. We had a blast doing PIRATE SCIENCE with Exploding Treasure Chests!! It was a great sensory experience as the solid, freezing cold chests turned to mush and exposed the treasures hidden within. The kiddos LOVED when the treasure chests “exploded”.
This activity also provided us extra practice with our fine motor skills while we squeezed the pipets.
Monday and Tuesday will be Preschool Pirate Day!! Send your child dressed like a pirate. We will also be welcoming back maestra Macky on Monday!
Next week we will start our new unit: El sistema solar – The solar system!! It will be a blast! We definitely have some big crafts associated with this theme and would appreciate any parent help! We find it easiest to set items on the desk in the hallway. Please be sure to ask if you need clarification on the projects.
Also, we need to collect paper bags for our astronaut suits and gallon milk jugs too!

Las letras y los números
Our letter focus for the week was K. The letter K is the exact same in English and Spanish. In fact, all words with the letter K are foreign words that did not originate in the Spanish language: karate, kimono, kiwi
We also had the great opportunity to have the first graders come read to our preschoolers. This was a big hit!!