This week we finished our study of the unit “El Pasado y el Presente”. This was such a great theme! Throughout this unit we learned that the past has already happened and the present is occurring right now. Between the past and the present there are sometimes a lot of differences. Students enjoyed comparing the different types of transportation used in the past with the transportation that we use right now. It was very interesting to compare the houses, the schools and the type of clothes from the past and the present. I loved the particular way the children explained that the past/el pasado” long, long, long, long time ago”, and the present/el presente “right now!!!!”
This week we continued reviewing the vocabulary of the month:
Escuela – school,
Carro – car,
Caballo – horse,
Telefono – phone,
Computadora – computer,
Avión – airplane,
Estufa – stove
Vela – candle,
Lámpara – lamp
We enjoyed activities such as coloring new and old pictures, cutting and gluing them in the correct place “pasado, presente”. They used pictures like school and house tools, transportation and communication ways. They did a great job!
This week we learned all about the letter Vv/ letra Vv. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. The pronunciation is similar between the English and Spanish sounds. The Spanish pronunciation is a little blurred to where it can be confused with the B sound.
Vivora – snake,
Vaca – cow,
Vaquero – cowboy,
Ventana – window,
Violin – violin,
Vela – candle.
This week we started working with the number 12 / el número doce. We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting.
Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We practicing number formation by tracing the number 12 (doce). Also, we formed a group of twelve by cutting and gluing 12 pieces of paper.