This week we continued with “Family Unit”, where to continue reinforcing the value of families “Families are Forever”. We are continuing to learn the structure of the traditional family which includes a mother, father, and siblings as the main focus of a family. So, at the end of this unit they will know a basic knowledge of how families work and how they are different. Also,  we read the book, El Canguro Tiene Mamá?/Does a Kangaroo have a mother too? This book helps us to integrate new words into our Spanish vocabulary such as:
León/ lion,
Pingüino/ penguin,
20170920_133143Cisne/ swan,
Zorro/ fox,
We had fun with different kangaroo projects; paper bag puppet, construction paper bags, paint with their little fingers, and collage. To end, we looked at family photos, they named their family members, who was doing different activities, and they described the photos. Next week they will imitate mom and dad😊!

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This week we went over the vowels/vocales. We started with vowel/vocal Aa. They did different activities with this letter such as finding vowels in a letter soup, and handwriting. This week the children learned words such as:


This week we worked with number 2/ número dos. We had a fun time playing and using some items to recognize it. We did different activities like tracing the number 2 to focus on correct number formation, coloring and counting 2 frogs/ranas, and 2 zapatos/shoes. Next week we will use some items for sorting and counting.

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This week we continued working with the circle shape/figura circulo and color red/color rojo. The students examined the shape up close and they compared different sizes of circle as chico/small, mediano/medium, and grande/big. Finally, kiddos colored manzanas rojas/red apples and did a hunt for red items in the classroom.