Los Insectos
This week we read Hombre Mosca. This is a fun book about a little boy who is looking for a new pet for a pet competition. He finds a fly who knows his name, “Buzz”. Everyone laughs but the boy and the fly show them how great they really are.
Each class this week put together their own insect book. This was a lot of work, coloring all the different pages. We had a blast putting the words to the book into song form. Each book was heartily sung to the tune of The Wheels on the Bus. Doing a multi-step, long project, is a skill we have been working on all year and all the students did very well!
Letras y Números
This week we reviewed all the letters of the alphabet. We included several uppercase to lowercase matching activities. We ‘painted’ our letters on the chalkboard with water. Students provided the sounds when shown letters, etc. Next week we will work on blends. Pre-Kindergarten students will also be receiving beginning reading booklets. When these come home its a good idea to have a storage place for them so they can be re-read throughout the summer.
We also focused on the number 19 this week. There were lots of insect activities counting up to 19.
The morning classes also joined the Kindergarten class for their calendar routine this week. This is a great way for the preschoolers to integrate with the older children at the school. It’s also a nice way to ease the transition for our pre-K kiddos. There are some things that are the same during calendar routine and it’s comforting for them to know this.
We also had time for our Kindergartners to read their books to your preschoolers. These are great experiences!