This week we started working with the plants. We talked about what the plants need to grow (sun, water, soil, and air), and plants parts (root, steam, leaves and flower), as well the life cycle of plants from seed to plant. The kiddos were fascinated by the notion that a tiny seed can emerge from the ground as a plant. The little ones enjoyed what they were learning and we did some crafts while the kiddos sang “las plantas necesitan…tierra, aire , agua y sol…”
Ciclos de vida de las plantas: de semilla a girasol.
Después de la tormenta.
We reviewed the letters that they have been learning (vowels, B, C, D,F, G, H, J, K, L, LL, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W X, Y, Z),
We reviewed all the shapes that they have been learning (circulo, cuadrado, rectangulo, triangulo, estrella, corazon, diamante, ovalo, and pentagon)
We reviewed all the colors that they have been learning (rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, anaranjado y/o naranja, rosado, morado, café, blanco y negro)
Have a wonderful weekend!