Zoom meeting classes for next week: No classes Friday 12 of June.
AM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 10 am Monday, Wednesday.
PM 3 DAY PRESCHOOL: 1 pm Monday, Wednesday.
AM 2 DAY and PM 2 DAY
Tuesday and Thursday 10 am
This week we started working with the plants. We are going to learn all about what plants need to grow (sun, water, soil, and air), and plants parts (root, steam, leaves and flower), as well the life cycle of plants from seed to plant. The kiddos will have the opportunity to work on a science experiment at home with their parents if they desire to do it with the little ones.
Kiddos can wet a few cotton balls and drop them in a plastic bag. Then, add a couple of beans and seal the bags. Then, they will attach the bags to the window with tape and check to see what happens during the follow days. Kids can draw what they see. They will be fascinated by the notion that a tiny seed can emerge as a plant. The little ones will enjoy what they see in the experiment. As well we are going to sing songs “las plantas necesitan…tierra, aire, agua y sol…”. We are going to review the numbers, shapes, colors, and letter.
Ciclos de vida de las plantas: de semilla a girasol.
Después de la tormenta.
Review the letters that they have been learning (vowels, B, C, D,F, G, H, J, K, L, LL, M, N, P, Q, R, S, T, V, W X, Y, Z),
17 ( we are reviewing all the numbers 1-17)
Review all the shapes that they have been learning (circulo, cuadrado, rectangulo, triangulo, estrella, corazon, diamante, ovalo, and pentagon)
Review all the colors that they have been learning (rojo, azul, amarillo, verde, anaranjado y/o naranja, rosado, morado, café, gris, blanco y negro)
Petronila es una flor
Los Pollitos
La Araña