Mi familia

This week we continued working with our “Mi Familia” /“My Family” theme. We use
this theme as a guide to teach children more about families and what makes up a family. We worked with reading the book ¿El Canguro Tiene Mamá? Does a Kangaroo have a mother? With the gorgeous collage illustrations, the children learn about animal mothers and their babies, the kiddos learned vocabulary and enhanced the social concepts about animals. They enjoyed this book, recognizing the animals and making animals sounds! The kiddos learned new Spanish words as canguro/kangaroo, león/lion, cisne/swan, delfin/ dolphin, zorro/ fox, jirafa/giraffe, oso/bear, elefante/elephant, mono/monkey. The kids enjoyed this book and they had a good time learning our new words. In addition, we worked with different activities to help them build up their fine motor skills. We did kangaroo activities such as kangaroo faces, kangaroo paper sacks, etc.
This week we continued working with vowels. The kids recognized and practiced the vowel E e. This vowel makes the same sound as the it does in the English words egg and elephant. They did different activities such as tracing letter Ee into corn flour and finding the letter in our daily reading, letter stickers, coloring and handwriting the letter Ee. We played with different things that start with letter Ee as, elefante/elephant, estrella/star, espejo/mirror. We also sang songs.
This week we started working with the number 3. We had a fun time playing, sorting and counting different classroom objects. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting three kangaroos and placing the babies into kangaroo mother’s tummy. We traced the number 3 (numero tres), coloring and counting stickers, sticks, and more items.