Mis cinco sentidos

Brown Bear/ Oso Cafe,
Red Bird/ Pajaro Rojo,
Yellow Duck/ Pato Amarillo
Blue Horse/ Caballo Azul
Green Frog/ rana Verde
Purple Cat/ Gato Morado
White Dog/ Perro Blanco
Black Sheep/ Cordero Negro
Goldfish/ Pez Dorado
The kiddos were fascinated with this wonderful book, and learning our new vocabulary. In addition, we worked on different activities to help them to build up their fine motor skills. We did a sequence book Brown Bear/ Oso Café, necklaces sequences, and we had a fun time playing Brown Bear/ Oso Café bingo.
This week we continued working with vowels, this week, vowel Ii. The kids identified this letter in our daily reading. They practiced the letter Ii through different activities such as tracing letter I i using their finger first and then, they traced it with crayons and markers. We did letter Ii necklaces.We read a book of the letter Ii. The English Letter Ii can be pronounced (ai). While the Spanish pronunciation is the sound you hear in steam. Examples: iglesia/church, iglu/igloo, insignia/insignia or emblem, isla/island.
This week we started working with number 3. We had a fun time and played and a variety of items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We did activities such as counting three squares and goldfish. We traced and colored the number 3 (número tres).
La Figura y el Color
This month we started with the square shape (cuadrado), and the color blue (azul). The students passed around the shape, so the children could examine it up close. We compared different sizes of the square shape. Also, they did an activity to find 3 different blue cuadrados in our classroom.
Field Trip Information
Our first preschool field trip this year will be Bi-Zi Farms on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet at the farm at 11:15. This field trip is rain or shine. Please be prepared to tromp through the farm and field with appropriate rain boots. This field trip is for ALL preschool students. Siblings are also welcome to attend!
Bi-Zi Farms
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
http://bizifarms.com/visit-biz i-farms/
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
The AM class will meet from 8:45-10:30 at the school and then parents will take their children to the Farm.
The PM class will meet at the school after the field trip until 3:15.