“The wind is rising, and the air is wild with leaves, we have had our summer evenings, now for October eves” Humbert Wolfe.
Welcome October!
This week we started working with our new theme:“The Body” / “El Cuerpo Humano”. Study of the human body, which falls under the category of health science, is where science starts for young children. As infants, they begin to discover the parts of their bodies and as a toddler can identify more than six parts of their bodies. So, this week we began doing various body parts activities. This not only provides a good starting foundation to build on to for the education to come, but it helps them get comfortable with knowing their own body and being confident in communicating various aspects associated with it.
We worked specifically with the following vocabulary:

Finding the letter of the week.
Cabeza / head
Cabello / hair
Orejas / ears
Cara / face
Ceja / eyebrow
Ojos / eyes
Nariz / nose
Boca / mouth
Lengua / tongue
Children did activities like identifying different body parts in Spanish as well as drawing a face following Spanish instructions. They colored the face parts: eyebrow, eyes, nose, mouth and ears. Then they placed these onto a face. This was a great activity for them. They did a great job this week!
For the remainder of October children will be able to learn the human body parts from the head to the feet, as well as the hidden parts of the body such as; the heart, muscles, bones and lungs.
This week we continued working with vowels. We focused on the letter Ii. This letter makes the sound /ē/ like the ee in the English word feet. The kiddos identified this letter in our daily reading. They also practiced the letter Ii during different activities like tracing the letter I i using their finger first and then tracing the vowel with crayons and markers. We made the letter with play dough. Kids looked through books and tried to fiend the letter Ii in the text.
Iglu / igloo
Insignia / insignia or emblem
isla / island
Insecto / insect
Iman / magnet
This week we started working with the number 3. We had a fun time playing and using different items for sorting and counting. Sorting helps children see differences and similarities. We counted three bears and fish and traced the number 3. We also had fun by placing colored corn in the number three to practice it’s shape.
La Figura y Color
This month we started with the square shape (cuadrado), and the color blue (azul). We passed around the shape so the children could examine it shape up close. Also, they did an activity to find 3 different blue manipulatives in our classroom.
Have a Good weekend!
Macky J