“I am falling for you sweet October”
Welcome October and our new unit is here! “The Five Sense”/ “Los Cinco Sentidos” The five senses to our students are really important because children need to have an understanding of the world they live in. Understanding comes through their experiences of this world that they can only have through their five senses. It’s also important that we emphasize to the little kids the importance of the five senses since our senses do more than let us see the sky, smell a flower, taste a sandwich, hear the music from the radio, or feel snowflakes against our skins. The five senses also enable all of us to learn, enjoy different activities, protect ourselves, and have a clear picture of the things around us.
Thus, we started talking about five senses doing fun projects in which we used our five senses:hearing music in music class on Wednesdays was an amazing experience for them, they were very exited going to a different class and sharing with the older kids.
As well, they could smell, touch, see, hear, and taste delicious popcorns. We also made five senses puppets and crowns!!
New vocabulary;
They had a lot of fun singing songs, dancing and learning the vocabulary.
Mis Cinco Sentidos-My five Senses
Have a Great weekend!