Field Trip
We have planned our first preschool field trip for Wednesday, October 28 at 11:15. We will meet at Bizi Farms for a farm tour, hay maze, petting zoo, hay ride, picking of our favorite pumpkins, and then pumpkin washing. Please feel free to bring a lunch for after the field trip. (Field trip transportation is provided by the preschool families. We will not have preschool classes on the day of the field trip.)
We have put a sign-up sheet outside the preschool classroom door. This helps give us an accurate count for the day of the field trip.
We will use this field trip to reinforce all our fall studies as well as using our 5 senses on the farm.
Los 5 Sentidos
Learning about our body parts and their different functions makes for great preschool exploration. This week we focused on la vista, sight.
Our book of the week was Oso pardo, Oso Pardo/ Brown Bear, Brown Bear. This is a fabulous book to learn anima
l names and colors. We definitely use our sight for identifying colors! This also helped us play some fun I spy games/ Veo con mi ojito. (I see with my little eye.)
We worked on sequencing images from this story. Sequencing images is a great reading comprehension skill. It is the first step in story ‘retelling.’ You can try this at home after you read a story. Ask, “What happened at the beginning of the story?” (You can ask specific questions about the beginning, middle, and end of the story.)
We also used our eye spy game to look for letters and numbers around the classroom. This week we focused on the letters A, E. I. Really cementing the concept that letters make specific sounds is our goal here at the beginning of the year. Our older students will use this concrete concept when we begin syllables with our consonant study.
You can reinforce the concept of letters making sounds, which make up words, which then make sentences stories, by talking looking for our letters in the books you are reading at home or on signs when out for a walk or drive. Letters are everywhere and pointing them out to our little ones opens a whole new world for them.
These same activities can be done with number identification.