Pajama Day!

Pumpkin Fun Run!
This week we continued working with our unit “My Body” “Mi Cuerpo”. This week we talked about how our bodies are alike in someways and different in others, unique. Most people have one head, two arms, two legs, two hands, ten fingers, two feet, two shoulders, and two knees. We talked about how bodies are different sizes, like babies with small bodies, children with a little bit bigger bodies, and teenagers and adults with much larger bodies. We provided them with picures to show that we have different sizes and weights. We worked on these body parts:
Brazos / arms
Manos / hands
Dedos / fingers
Piernas / legs
Rodillas / knees
Pies / feet
We had fun during our activities and worked on the following skills:
- cutting
- gluing
- coloring
- comparing heights and weights
- singing body parts songs to help learn our vocabulary
- using our bodies for jumping, running, dancing and stretching
This week we continued working with vowels. We learned all about the vowel Oo. The kids identified this letter in our daily reading and they practiced the letter Oo with different activities like tracing it with their finger first and then tracing it with crayons and markers. They placed tissue paper in the vowel as well. We read a book of the letter Oo too. As example:
Oso / bear
Ocho / eight
Olla / pot
Ovalo /oval
We continued working with number 3 (número tres) doing different activities. We used beans, colored corn, silk paper, stickers, buttons and little bears to practice our counting. Also, kids were sorting and counting, it helps them to begin notice how items are alike and different and creates an awareness that is vital for math learning. The kids traced and colored the number 3 too.
La Figura y Color
This week we continued with square shape (cuadrado), and blue (azul) color. Kiddos followed the shape with their little finger and passed around the shape examining and counting the four sides and the different sizes. They also did an activity to find 3 different blue items in our classroom.
Have a Good weekend!
Macky J