We continued working with the “Five Senses” Unit and the kiddoss did a great job learning Spanish vocabulary and singing songs related to our unit.  Also, this week we read the book “It’s Pumpkin Time!” We are learning the pumpkin life cycle and sequencing illustrations from this. Vocabulary:







We did sensorial and fine motor skills activities like cutting, with their fingers, a little pieces of orange paper and gluing it on the paper pumpkin, painting paper plates with orange tempera, painting a white paper pumpkin with tempera and Legos (for texture).

It was also amazing to share with all the preschoolers our Bi-Zi Farm field trip. Miss Veronica and I (Macky) were very happy to see all those little ones enjoying feeding the animals, playing and collecting pumpkins. Thank you to all parents to give us the opportunity to have that special time.


¡Tiempo de Calabazas!

Have a great long weekend!