El Tacto

el tactoThis week was all about touch / el tacto.  We read about different ways we use el tacto,  but mainly the students thought we were playing! It is very fun to be hands on, literally.

globos de tacto




The students had a great time getting messy, digging their hands into bags in order to guess the objects using only their sense of touch.

Another activity was for them to guess what was inside each of these balloons using only their sense of touch and their prior experiences.


20151012_094211This week we learned all about the letter O and the number 4.  Be sure to point out the letter O when you are reading (or if any family members have this letter in their name). The English pronunciation of this letter ends with a /w/ sounds.  The Spanish pronunciation stops with just the /o/ sound (no lip movements during the making of any Spanish vowels).

We incorporated our touch investigations with our letter study and made many different letter O’s. Ask your child to find certain textures on the O and then to find something with a similar texture around the house or outside.