The five senses/ Los Cinco Sentidos
This week the students learned about their sense of touch (sentido del tacto) by feeling different materials and textures. We used a collection of fabrics including fleece, burlap, silk and satin, as well, we used rocks, sandpaper, cotton, silk paper, different colors of diamantine/brilliantine. I taught the kiddos the difference between soft, rough and smooth. We used examples of a rock for hard. I gave them some objects to feel the texture while they explained what they felt. We read about different ways that we use the sense of touch. The kids enjoyed all the activities, playing and singing songs with this sense. The students had a great time touching all the different textures. We did activities as sensory texture touching and gluing rocks, cotton, etc., this experience encourages the children to explore various textures and promotes the use of observation, plus expressive and descriptive vocabulary. We also created a texture book, and a fish with different textures. This activity helps the kids to observe, compare, experiment and practice descriptive and expressive skills.
This week we learned about the letter U u /la letra U u. Be sure to point out the letters that we practice when you are reading. The Spanish letter U makes the same sound a monkey makes!
We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter U. We used different textures in the letter Uu as long-staple wool, sandpaper, rice. As well the kids identified the letter(vowel) Uu in our daily reading.

This week we continued working with square shape (cuadrado) and blue color (color azul). We reviewed the square shape, comparing different sizes. Also, they did an activity counting 4 blue bears, finding blue things in our classroom and they continued cutting square blue shapes.
Field Trip Information
Our first preschool field trip this year will be Bi-Zi Farms on Wednesday, October 26th. We will meet at the farm at 11:15. This field trip is rain or shine. Please be prepared to tromp through the farm and field with appropriate rain boots. This field trip is for ALL preschool students. Siblings are also welcome to attend!
Bi-Zi Farms
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
9504 NE 119th Street
Vancouver, WA 98662
The AM class will meet from 8:45-10:30 at the school and then parents will take their children to the Farm.
The PM class will meet at the school after the field trip until 3:15.
Pumpkin Fun Run
Please be sure to join us for our annual Pumpkin Fun Run. We will leave from the school (walking) at 1:45 on Thursdays, October 27th. We hope to see all preschoolers there!