Exploring our 5 senses on our farm field trip.
This week we continued working with the unit “My Body”/ “Mi Cuerpo”. We talked about why we are so different, with the goal of understanding that people have many different skills and do many different jobs. Humans can be many sizes and we talked about how a human body is made up of lots of parts that all work together to help us live our lives. In the last couple weeks, the children have learned body parts such as head / cabeza, hair / cabello or pelo, eyebrow / ceja, eyes / ojos, ears / orejas, nose / nariz, mouth / boca, tongue / lengua, teeth / dientes, arms/ brazos, hands / manos, fingers / dedos, legs / piernas, knees / rodillas, and feet / pies. Thus, this week they learned all about “how does my body work?” We talked about how organs are inside our bodies working:
Cerebro / brain
Corazon / heart
Pulmones / lungs
Estomago / stomach
Intestinos / intestines
We learned all about the:
Brain; is in charge! Because it tells body what to do and makes sure they grow, the brain lets us think, learn, and remember a hundred of things you think of!!
Heart; the heart is the strong muscle that pumps blood around their body and it is the size of their fist.
Lungs; lungs help us breathe in fresh air and get rid of used air.
Stomach; the stomach is like a stretchy bag where the food that we eat is stored.
Children did activities such as:
Glue a little piece of paper (we used different colors to identify each organ) and in the body parts(organs) that they learned, Pre-k did a great job , coloring and placing the organs in the correct place, and they colored a face and then they placed letter soup in the brain, some of them drew their brain. They were fascinated by this and the kiddos did a good job
This week we learned all about the letter U u /la letra U u. Be sure to point out the letter that we practice when you are reading. This is the monkey’s favorite letter (think monkey sounds)! It only makes the one sound in Spanish. (Think: ew!)
Unicornio / unicorn
uva / grape
Uniciclo / unicycle
Uno / one
We incorporated our touch investigation with the letter U, reading books, we used different decorations in the letter Uu, traced the letter and they colored and used a paper car to drive in the letter as well.
This week we started working with number 4 (número cuatro) doing different activities such as using a paper car to drive in the number four. They traced the number, as well, they were counting four little manipulatives like bears and fishes to form groups of the number.
This week we continued working with square shape (cuadrado) and blue color (color azul). We reviewed the square shape by using and comparing different sizes of the shape. Also, they did an activity counting 4 blue bears, 4 blue fishes and finding blue things in our classroom.
Have a Wonderful weekend….Macky!