La Lectura

This week we began reading “Voy con mi familia a casa de mi abuela”. We also began our new unit From One Place to Another. Our objectives were:

  • finish our pumpkin writing story (they will be displayed in the classroom window!)
  • use the comprehension skill making connections while reading the story the first time
  • understand and use the vocabulary bicycle (bicicleta), trolley (tranvía), and abuela (grandma)
  • our high frequency words this week were: le and sus

Las matemáticas

This week we continued to learn about plain and 3D shapes. Out objectives were:

  • to find 3D shapes within the classroom and within pictures and label them
  • to group 3D shapes into categories based on whether they can slide, roll, or stack
  • begin creating double patterns (color and size)

We also began using Prodigy in class this week! The students have been loving using the computers and it has been a great tool for those kiddos who finish an activity early. If you have any questions about Prodigy please let me know!

Blubber experiment


How tall is a polar bear?

This week in our science domain: Animals and Habitats, we learned about the Arctic Ocean.  The class had fun doing an experiment showing how blubber protects animals from the cold.

           Showing our tusks

Our weekly objectives were to:
• describe what a habitat is
• understand that living things live in habitats to which they are particularly suited
• identify the characteristics of the Arctic Ocean habitat
• explain how arctic animals have adapted to the Arctic Ocean habitat

History & Geography

This week in our Three World Religions section of Early World Civilizations unit we learned about Christianity.  We talked about its significant holidays, symbols, and its origins relating to the Hebrews  and Jesus Christ.

Our weekly objectives were to:

•  identify Christianity as a monotheistic religion

• identify Easter and Christmas as to important holidays

• understand that the religion of Christianity developed after Judaism

• identify that Christians believe Jesus Christ to be the Messiah and the son of God

• recognize the cross as a symbol of Christianity and the Bible as its holy book.

• identify the Christian house of worship is called a church


English Sight Words of the Week

play, part, ride, run, said, saw