La Lectura

This week we read the book “Nada se pega como una sombra” ( Nothing sticks like a shadow ). The children focused on using the words from the book to do rhyming games. This way we introduced them to a new strategy to find the right spanish words for “El teatro de sombras” ( The shadow theater ). A recurring strategy that we often use is to ask our children to use words making rhyming sentences as a strategy to generate vocabulary. The shadow theater game develops interest in vocabulary study as an enjoyable activity. Children have to create a story with the characters in the theater using Spanish words.

Some of the words that were used were:

  • Sombra (shadow)

  • Conejo (rabbit)

  • Sol (sun)

  • Luz (light)

We also discussed what it takes for a shadow to exist and the different shapes a shadow can have.

We continued practicing blending with “a”.  This week the children worked with words like Caja (box), Jarra(jar), masa (dough) and so on.

Using the words of the week “Cinco” (Five) “Seis (six), students practiced the writing process with drawings in their notebooks. Each sentence that little ones make using words of the day will be followed with a drawing related to the sentence. This will help the child to better understand the literacy process.

As in all weeks, we continued practicing writing letters, drawing their shapes and saying their sounds. The letter of this week was S.

Las matemáticas

This week we continued practicing “La recta numerica” (Number line) We use this activity to continue doing sums and helping the children to acquire the addition concept visually. The numbers for this week were 48-51 and we practiced drawing their strokes, amount, concept of tens and ones. As all weeks we continue practicing counting the numbers in multiples 5 by 5 and 10 by 10.


    Covering seeing and hearing this week


This week in The Five Senses science domain we drew the eye and labeled its parts.  We began to learn about the sense of hearing and played a game using our hearing to identify different recorded sounds.

Our weekly objectives were to:

• identify the five senses: sight, hearing, smell, taste, and touch
• identify each of the body parts associated with the five senses
• demonstrate understanding of the sense of hearing
• identify the parts of the ear and their functions
• provide simple explanations about how the ear works

History & Geography

    Student of the month

In our Native American unit this week we finished learning about the Wampanoag and read about Native Americans today.

Our weekly objectives were to:
• understand how the Wampanoag tribe lived
• describe the food, clothing, and shelter the Wampanoag
• understand that Native Americans still live in the u.s. today

English Sight Words of the Week


….. pink inspiration

 pink, look, down