20171212_100956This week we continued working with celebrations, kids continued learning about the different ways to share with others and learned values and generosity. The students were learning with different examples and activities using this topic. Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday they learned about the Januca celebration/Chanukah Celebration. The rest of the week the kids learned that Holidays give us a wonderful opportunity to share with others and learn about our different traditions. The kids were really excited learning a little of the Classic Christmas Stories. It is amazing to see how they enjoy the stories. We worked with different activities doing Januca/Chanukah crafts, and Christmas crafts (Ornaments, Santa Claus, Christmas wreath).
This week we reviewed the vowels/ las vocales (A, E, I, O, U), and the letters Mm, Ss, Tt, Pp, and Nn. We did activities like vowels games, drawing, coloring the vowels and letter recognition in our daily reading.
We were working with and reviewing the number 7/número siete. The kids did a good job counting and recognizing the number 7. They did different activities such as counting dots, bloques, stickers, fishes, as well as coloring and tracing the number. The purpose of these projects is to help them recognized the numbers as well as reciting/counting the numbers too.
La Figura y Color
The ability to accurately identify shapes is a foundational mathematical skill, and it is quite rewarding for children because their world is full of shapes. Understanding shapes will enable students to be more in tune to the world around them and see the connections between objects, as well as being better able to appreciate artistic works. So, this month we continued working with rectangulo shape (rectangle). I talked about it with the kiddos, passing around the shape, so the children could examine this shape up close. We also observed that this shape has 4 sides/cuatro lados. We also reviewed the yellow/amarillo color, coloring, and finding diferents yellow/ amarillo objects in our classroom.
Have a good weekend!
Macky 🙂


A huge thank you to all the SWS community for making our 3rd Annual Giving Tree for Share a BIG success. Our van was stuffed full of holiday goodness! Thank you for your kindness and generosity to help those less fortunate!