La Lectura

This week we read Los bomberos. Our objectives were:

  • use the comprehension skill main idea and details
  • review identifying words with the vowel o and i
  • review punctuation . ¡! ¿?
  • our high frequency words this week were: son, todos, esta

At home have students tell you about what we learned about firefighters! See if they can use some of the Spanish vocabulary (bombero- firefighter, fuego- fire, vestimento- uniform).

Las matemáticas

This week we began learning how to add numbers within 20. Our objectives were:

  • introduce the chapter by practicing counting to 20
  • use different strategies to add 1- and 2-digit numbers
  • use 10s frames to form 10 then add the ones

Continue practicing recognizing numbers to 20. Flashcards are a great way to practice, our goal is to say the number without counting from 1.

             The food chain game


This week we continued our science domain: Animals and Habitats. We worked on some activities that reviewed the East African Savanna; its habitat and the animals that live there.

Our weekly objectives were to:
• understand that living things live in habitats to which they are particularly suited
• identify the characteristics of the grassland habitat
• explain how grassland animals have adapted to the grassland habitat
• identify food chains in a habitat
• classify animals on the basis of the types of foods that they eat (herbivore, carnivore, omnivore)
• be familiar with the terms prey and predator

History & Geography

This week we in our Early Americas Civilization unit we reviewed what we have learned about the Maya and did some Maya glyphs.  We began our next civilization study of the Aztecs.

Our weekly objectives were to:

• identify the area in which the Maya lived
• review what we have learned of the Maya so far
• understand that the Aztecs established a vast Empire in central Mexico many, many years ago
• understand that the Aztec had a religion
• identify the area which the Aztec lived

English Sight Words of the Week

will, were, with, word, would, you, your

Character Education

“Be like a postage stamp, stick to something until you get there!” ~Josh Billings

During the month of January we will be learning all about Perseverance.   What does it mean?

  1. Staying with the task and not giving up.
  2. Showing commitment, pride and a positive attitude in completing tasks.
  3. Trying again and again and again.
  4. Being patient and willing to work hard.

Throughout the month we will be reading several great books, discussing them and then putting our perseverance to the test with some fun activities.