La Lectura
We really focused on grammar this week, specifically Nouns/ sustantivos. In our journals we made lists of animals, people, places and things. We identified the different types of nouns in our reading this week and in sentences. We created our own sentences and identified the types of nouns we used.
Bringing their attention to the type of words we use in sentences, and the purpose they serve, will help the students in their reading comprehension but especially in their writing. Students were once again asked to respond to reading comprehension questions this week using complete sentences.
Students took their spelling test on Friday and did a great job!
Las matemáticas
We have now worked through all the multiplication facts through 9. More students are passing their daily timed tests! If your child is stuck on a fact family for more than a couple days, please have them drilling at home with flashcards and (each student has their own account).
I was so incredibly happy and impressed with the Genius Hour presentations on Friday. All the presenters did a fantastic job. They clearly were prepared and knew their topics. So proud!
I was also impressed with the rest of the class. They all asked their questions and gave feedback to the presenters (staying in Spanish).
- How do snakes make their venom?
- How long will the earth live?
- Are dogs part of the wolf family?
- How are clouds formed?
- How do rockets take off?
Our weekly science objectives were to:
*Identify a basic characteristics of fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, and mammals
*Classify particular animals as fish, amphibians, reptiles, birds, or mammals
*Identify insects as invertebrates
*Identify insects as the most numerous group of animals that have currently been identified
*Identify basic characteristics of fish or amphibians
*Classify particular animals as fish or amphibians
*Compare and contrast two groups of vertebrates
History & Geography
Our Social Studies objectives were to:
*Describe the ways of life of the Hopi, Zuni, Navajo, Apache, and Comanche
*Locate the Native American nations of the Southwest
*Identify and describe native American art work including hope he Kachina dolls and Navajo blankets, rugs, and sand paintings
*Understand the vocabulary: Mesa and game
Describe the ways of life of the Creek, Seminole and Cherokee
*Locate where the Creek, Seminole and Cherokee live
*Identify and describe other forms of native American art
*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: Confederacy, counsel, clan, and symbol
*Describe the culture and ways of life of the peoples of the eastern Woodlands
*Explain why the Haudenosaunee Confederacy was important
*Identify reasons for the struggle between Native Americans and Europeans and Americans
*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: Landscape, stalk, wigwam, longhouse, ebb, sachem, and peace pipe
Character Education
To continue with our Perseverance theme this week we read The Girl With a Mind For Math, The Story of Raye Montague (Hidden Figure) by Julia Mosca.
After touring a German submarine in the early 1940s, young Raye set her sights on becoming an engineer. Little did she know sexism and racial inequality would challenge that dream every step of the way, even keeping her greatest career accomplishment a secrete for decades. Through it all, the gifted mathematician persisted — finally gaining her well-deserved title in history: a pioneer who changed the course of ship design forever.
This was a wonderful book to show how Raye Montague’s entire life was a lesson in perseverance. Being told she couldn’t be an engineer because of the color of her skin and because she was female did not stop her.