History & Geography
This week we continued to learn about the Renaissance. Our objectives were:
- Describe the great achievements of Michelangelo’s career.
- Understand Michelangelo’s importance to the European Renaissance.
- review vocabulary from chapters 4-6 by playing Quizlet
- examine the works of Leonardo da Vinci including The Last Supper, Mona Lisa, and The Vitruvian Man
- examine Donatello’s Saint George
This week we continued learning how to find the Area of Triangles. Our objectives were:
- demonstrate understanding of the area of a triangle formula by creating a poster
- review using the area of a triangle by completing a triangle maze
Lectura y Ciencias
This week we continued to work on the same objectives as last week. During the last couple weeks, and following the writing process, students have been working on their science biography projects. We started this project reading a variety of biographies and using them as mentor texts to identify the key components of this genre. After that, students wrote a timeline to identify the stages in their characters life and their main contributions to their fields of study. The last part of this project was gather all this information put it into a essay format. We are happy to inform you all that we have finalized this project and will be presenting to the class next week January 23rd and 24th. We are looking forward to the presentations.

As part of our biography studies unit, students received the biography of Martin Luther King Jr. Please have your child read this piece over the weekend as part of their daily Spanish reading and be ready to discuss in class on Tuesday.
Character Education
To continue with our Perseverance theme this week we read The Girl With a Mind For Math, The Story of Raye Montague (Hidden Figure) by Julia Mosca.
After touring a German submarine in the early 1940s, young Raye set her sights on becoming an engineer. Little did she know sexism and racial inequality would challenge that dream every step of the way, even keeping her greatest career accomplishment a secrete for decades. Through it all, the gifted mathematician persisted — finally gaining her well-deserved title in history: a pioneer who changed the course of ship design forever.
This was a wonderful book to show how Raye Montague’s entire life was a lesson in perseverance. Being told she couldn’t be an engineer because of the color of her skin and because she was female did not stop her.