La Lectura
We continued our verb study this week with the 1st person plural: Nosotros -We. Students conjugated several AR/ER/IR verbs into the Nosotros form. They then wrote sentences in their journals and did a great job!
During our daily readings the students continued to identify the subject and predicate of sentences. They are starting to make the connection between noun -verb agreement and then use this in their own writing and speaking. I see/hear them catching themselves and doing a quick self-correct.
I did show the class how they should go back and find answers within a story. I showed them how to do this on the computer stories too.
- Making words from Centesimo Dia
- Ways to form 100
- Writing all about 100
- 100 day word search
- Multiplication race to 100 (and popcorn!)
- Multiplication: race to 1,000!
Las matemáticas
- 7.3 Multiplying with Ones, Tens, & Hundreds with Regrouping
What a treat we had this week with the Reptile Man´s visit! I hope your student came home with lots of stories and facts about the slithery friends they met on Tuesday.
We spent this week reviewing information from our Animal Classification Unit.
History & Geography
We are continuing to work on our reports and I continue to be pleased with the students´ progress.
We also did some review of our Earliest Americans unit.
English Spelling: With back to back short weeks and a couple of fun days in the mix, we will all have our next spelling test on February 21st.