- Happy Valentine’s Day!
- Valentine exchange
- When all the individual pieces are put together they make something special. Great idea!
La lectura
We had a great time with our story of the week: The Emperor and His New Clothes. The students did a preview, picture walk-through and then did their first reading in partners with a 4th/5th grade helper. This was so great and something we will do again soon.
Students worked on their story recall by illustrating what they remembered happening at the beginning, middle and end of the story. We then re-read the story as a class, being sure to discuss more advanced vocabulary and to work on our visualizing strategy. The students then, once again, illustrated and wrote sentences describing their new understanding of the story for the beginning, middle and end. Reading stories more than once really does make a difference in our comprehension!
Las matemáticas
We had a great week working on our multi-digit multiplication facts. We are really working to understand the why/how of regrouping in multiplication. We worked on this using various methods throughout the week.
History & Geography
This week we spent much of our time wrapping up our Native American Tribe reports. Each student should have brought home their final report so they are able to practice their oral presentation at home.
We will have our presentations next week, Monday-Friday. Parents are welcome to stay for the presentations. We will do them in the first hour of our morning, so parents can stay at drop off time on the day of the their child´s presentation. Students can bring their home project to class on the day of their report, or bring it on Monday if it is finished and ready.