La Lectura

Partner reading …with a special guest.
This week we read a story from the Imaginación theme: Roxaboxen. This realistic fiction piece tells about Roxaboxen, a magical place created by children who spent many hours devising all the rules and regulations of Roxaboxen. Everyone has plenty of money, transportation, and all the ice cream they can eat. Roxaboxen is such a special place that none of the children will every forget it – no matter where they move or how old they become.
Keys points of realistic fiction include:
- The characters behave as people do in real life.
- The setting of the story is a real place or could be a real place.
- The events in the story could happen in real life.
Grammar: This week we learned about the strength of words and the tone we use in our writing. We also talked about articles which accompany nouns. Articles indicate gender and number: el, la, los, las, lo, un, unos, una, unas.
Las matemáticas
We dove right in with our unit on Division this week. Students learned that the answer to division problems is the quotient / cociente. Sometimes we are not able to divide things equally and there are some leftovers. The leftovers are called the remainder/ residuo. We talked quite a bit how we use our multiplication fact knowledge to help us with division. Students should continue practicing ALL their math facts with either flashcards or so they stay strong on ALL their facts and not just their current timed test facts.
We introduced a division game on Friday where students play in pairs. They have 6 colored squares to share. They each have a yellow square for their remainders. Pairs started with 20 chips, rolled a dice to determine how many colored squares they would divide by. For example: They rolled 3 so they are going to divide the 20 chips into 3 equal groups. Uh-oh. There are 6 in each group but 2 left over. The two left over chips go into the remainder/residuo pile. The next player now starts with the 18 chips, rolls the die to determine how many groups to divide by, and so on. They play until there are no more chips left. The winner is the student with the most chips in their remainder/residuo. They keep track on a chart: 20 chips, 3 groups, remainder 2 : 20 ÷ 3 = 6 r2
Stay tuned! We will be starting a unit on ecology shortly!
History & Geography