La Lectura
This week the students read: Las Pecas independently and then as a whole group.
Our objectives:
- reader review
- understand meanings of new vocabulary words
- understand fact verses fiction.
- identify articles and use them correctly in written sentences
- Use comprehension strategies such as summarizing, and predicting to construct meaning from the text during our first read
Las matemáticas
Students worked on their long division skills and had the opportunity to practice their division skills throughout the week with their “Pretzel Math” game from last week. They REALLY need to be strong on all their multiplication facts for division!
this week our objectives were to:
*Describe ecology is the study of relationships between living things and their environment
*Describe and provide an example of a habitat
*Explain why certain organisms live in certain habitats and how they adapt to those habitats
*Describe and provide an example of an ecosystem
*Describe what happens in a food chain
*Identify the three essential parts of a food chain: producers, consumers, and decomposers
*Sequence of food chain of two or more trophic levels
History and Geography
This week our primary focus objectives were to:
*Describe North America is geography, including the location of the west Indies, Puerto Rico, Cuba, Caribbean Sea, and the Gulf of Mexico.
*Explain Columbus is explorations.
*Describe Ponce de Leon’s early exploration of Florida.
*Understand the meaning of the vocabulary: space, colony, empire, expedition, and settlement.
*Describe Hernando De Soto.
Summarize the explorations of De Soto.
Here are the delicious recipes of the Native American foods Bryce brought in for his presentation: venison stew and bannock bread

Character Education with Dr. Torres
Feelings Identification and Modification:
Kids can have a tough time knowing how to deal with different feelings in appropriate ways. Understanding and appreciating others’ feelings can be difficult, too. This week’s activities focused on helping students identify and deal appropriately with their feelings and their classmates’ feelings. They participated in a game called, “Guess the Feeling,” in which one student picked a card with a feeling listed on it. They then tried to get the class to guess the feeling by expressing it. This activity helped students both recognize different feelings in oneself and others, and provided an opportunity to discuss moments of misperceptions or mis-cueing of feelings (I.e., trying to express sadness, but others’ interpreting it as anger). We also talked about what makes us feel good and created a “Feel Good Journal” as a coping tool.
This class also worked on identifying and discussing how they’d feel if they were involved in a variety of scenarios provided by the teacher. This included:
-Demonstrating the ability to listen to and appreciate classmates’ opinions and feelings
-Practicing reflecting skills to ensure they truly heard and understood the other’s feeling statements.
Through this lesson, students will:
• Comprehend concepts related
to health promotion and disease prevention to enhance health.
• Demonstrate the ability to use interpersonal communication skills to enhance health and avoid or reduce health risks.
• Demonstrate the ability to use decision-making skills to enhance health.
• Demonstrate the ability to advocate for personal, family, and community health.