During Spring Break we will not upload any new assignments. There will be materials posted that are optional and students can use this time to catch up and explore past assignments. We will continue to have our Spanish and English 1-on-1 meetings. Our English whole class Zoom meeting will still be on Friday; however it will be a special sharing meeting with crazy hair.
La Lectura
When we return from Spring Break will we read Song y Júniper. Our objectives will be:
- make predictions, before reading the story of the week and your reader look at the title, illustrations, and author. What can you predict about what will happen in the story?
- use plant vocabulary from the story to talk about activities you like to do with your best friends
- practice fixing capitalization mistakes in our daily sentence practice. Remember to look at the beginning of sentences and proper nouns.
- practice the open syllable ta-, te-, ti-, to-, and tu- in our spelling sorts
Las matemáticas
When we return from Spring Break we will continue to work with Adding and Subtracting to 40. Our objectives will be:
- subtract a 1-digit number from a 2-digit number with and without regrouping
- subtract a 2-digit number from a 2-digit number with and without regrouping
- add 3 1-digit numbers
- solve real-world problems; use related addition and subtraction facts to check the answers
When we return from Spring Break students will be learning more about volcanoes and geysers. Students can virtually visit some Yellowstone National park sights and watch the live cam of the geyser, Old Faithful. They can also take a guided virtual tour of one of Hawaii’s active volcanoes.
Our objectives for April 13 – 17:
- Compare and describe volcanoes and geysers
- Describe how heat, pressure and time cause many changes inside the earth
- Understand that much of our knowledge of the earth and its history is the result of the work of many scientists
- Read books that describe both of these geological occurrences
History & Geography![](http://www.spanishwithsarah.com/wp-content/uploads/2020/04/IMG_0008-300x185.jpg)
We will be learning about what happened after the war and the transition the colonies went through in becoming the United States. We will also be hearing in more detail about the life of Benjamin Franklin. Students will finish up their Benjamin Franklin project and share them during our Zoom meeting.
Our objectives for April 13 – 17:
- Describe how the thirteen English colonies in America evolved from dependence on Great Britain to independence as a nation
- Describe the contributions of George Washington as first president of the U.S.
- Identify Washington, D.C., as the nation’s capital and named after George Washington
- Describe the contributions of Benjamin Franklin as Patriot, inventor, and writer
English Sight Words of the Week
Our words for April 13 – 17: just, knew, know, look, long
Our goals are to practice our Week 3 sorts, do sight word handwriting, Spelling City assignments and Daily Language Review (D.L.R.)
During Spring Break we will continue to have our class zoom meetings but these are optional, as we know each family celebrates different holidays in different ways. The zoom meetings will be a social time for classmates to catch up!