Weekly Choice Board: https://classroom.google.com/u/1/c/NTA4Nzk3MTI0ODha/a/Njg3NzcwMzAzMzZa/details

Students have the option to “color in” their weekly board as they complete assignments.

La Lectura (about 15-20 minutes of work each day after reading)

This week the students will:

  • Read book 17 fluently “La misteriosa casa de la abuela”
  • Identify the main idea and supporting details in the story.
  • Use reading strategies to identify or work around unfamiliar vocabulary.
  • Complete a weekly writing assignment and make corrections (capitals, punctuation, complete sentences, noun-verb agreement, gender agreement)
  • Read “Chinches” and answer reading comprehension questions in complete sentences (in the Google Doc so I can easily see their answers and make corrections).

Talent Show from a week ago!

Las matemáticas (about 20 minutes of work each day)

This week we will begin our Money unit! Our learning goals for this week are:

  • Correctly identify all coins and bills
  • add money in different ways with and without regrouping
  • subtract money in different ways with and without regrouping
  • Continue practicing math facts daily

We will continue to work in our small math groups of 4 on Tuesdays and Thursdays.  The feedback from the kiddos was that they LOVE the small groups! It would be great if they were able to bring coins and a dollar bill to their math meetings this week!

11:00-11:30 – Aleya, Eden, Evely, Evie

1:00-1:30 – Maya, Maria, Cata, Ellie

1:35-2:05 – Penelope, Bella, Rachel, Bryce

2:10-2:40 – Sam, Owen, Frederick, Andres

The students also have a review packet of everything we’ve done so far this year in math and can complete that as extra practice (some kiddos are asking for more, more, more!!).  I will post answers for those who want to do this.


This week our main objectives in science will be to:

This week our main objectives in science are to:

*Explain how humans affect ecosystems in the environment

explain how humans affect ecosystems in the environment

*Describe and identify human made threats to the environment

*Explain why sometimes animals must leave their habitats when the natural balance is lost

Explain why sometimes animals must leave their habitats when the natural balance is lost

*Identify different types of resources including renewable and nonrenewable

identify different types of resources including renewable and nonrenewable

*Explain the importance of conservation and recycling to the health of the environment

Explain the importance of conservation and recycling to the health of the environment

*Identify different ways to protect and restore the environment

History & Geography

We are starting a new unit on The Thirteen Colonies.

This week our objectives will be to:

*explain why the settlers came to America

*Identify the three colonial regions: New England, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies.

Identify the three colonial regions: New England, the middle colonies, and the southern colonies.

*Summarize the importance of the colonies chief port cities in the development of trade and government: Boston, New York, Philadelphia, and Charleston.

*Explain the differences in climate from north to south in the corresponding differences in agriculture.