History & Geography

US History Map

We have changed our Zoom Meeting schedule! Please make sure to check your email/Google Classroom to see the new schedule for this week. I have also spoken to each one of the students about the schedule change.

This week we will continue learning about U.S. Geography. Our objectives will be:

  • Explain the climate, population, history, and landforms of states in the South.
  • Describe the climate, landforms, and industry of the Midwest region.
  • Describe the climate, landforms, and industry of the Great Plains region, and explain the tornado phenomenon
  • Describe the animal life and features of national parks in the Rocky Mountain region.


US Map Cookie!

This week we will begin learning about Graphs and Probability. Our objectives will be:

  • to make and interpret double bar graphs (online and on paper!)
  • read points on a coordinate grid
  • plot points on a coordinate grid


These are the Zoom meetings this week. Please see details in Google Classroom. If your child is not able to make it to their assigned group, they are welcome to join any other group, I don’t want anybody to miss their small group work because of this reason. They are also welcome to stay and be present at the the meeting if they feel like they need extra practice or further clarification of assignments. Rotations run for 25 minutes starting at 2:00. Please note that this week we have new groups, that way we can have all students work with each other in small groups. 
Monday small group meetings starting at 2:00 – see specific times and groups in Google Classroom.
Tuesday whole group Zoom conference at 2:00
Thursday small group meeting starting at 2:00 – see specific times and groups in Google Classroom.
Friday whole group Zoom conference at 1:45 virtual recess time – School Play!

These are the objectives for this week in Lectura:

  • Understand and apply the spelling patterns of open and close vowels (diphthongs and hiatus).
  • Review types of sentences.
  • Continue to use verb tense accurately in both, oral and written form.
  • Use the five steps of the writing process to write free verse poetry.
  • Focus on word choice to express precise detail.
  • Read chapter 6 of our book La llamada de la selva. Complete all notes and be ready to participate during our book club discussion on Friday at 2:00.
  • Continue to practice your Spanish reading every day. Use all your available resources.

El pasatiempo favorito: sacar a caminar al perro de su vecino:)

Escribiendo chistes en la acera (calle), en este día soleado.

Oraciones de ortografía. Buen trabajo practicando su escritura.



Regando los guisantes 🙂

For the next chapters during our science time, we will be studying the human’s circulatory and respiratory systems. Students will see a video showing how blood is delivered to every human cell by a system of vessels connected to a pump, the heart. They read about the structures inside the human heart.  Students will study the structures and functions of the interacting parts of the respiratory system, learning about the acquisition and distribution of oxygen, and the process of waste removal.