La Lectura
This week we are really reading for fluency. Students have been assigned Una fábrica muy peculiar and El dinero. Students will read these aloud for fluency and understanding. They will complete the graphic organizer in their red journal and graphic organizer on the El dinero page.
Students can track their reading on their new reading chart. (They move a statue each time they have read one of their Spanish lecturas aloud.)
- Reading chart for Spanish books read outloud.
- Graphic organizer for “Una fábrica muy peculari”
Las matemáticas
This week in our small groups (Tuesdays & Thursdays) we will work on solving real-world problems involving addition and subtraction of money. (10.3)
- Attend math small group lessons on Tuesdays and Thursdays
- Complete assigned math workbook pages to practice what we learned in our lessons.
- Complete daily mathfactspro practice to recall math facts more quickly.
- Complete the next 4 math review pages and check them against my posted answers (Repaso pages are in their materials)
GOOGLE MEETS office hour on Wednesdays 1:00-2:00 to ask for help on anything!
This week our objectives will be to:
Identify and describe each stage of the life cycle of a chicken and a mouse
Identify and describe each stage of the life cycle of a butterfly and a frog
History & Geography
This week our goals will be to:
*Understand why the Virginia Company founded Jamestown
*Identify John Smith
*Summarize why the colony almost failed the first year.
*Locate on a map Chesapeake Bay and the James River
*Understand the meaning of the following vocabulary: council, gentleman, deck and palisade
(These were mentioned in last weekś newsletter but we did not make it to this chapter)