History & Geography
This week we will continue to learn about Westward Expansion Before the Civil War. Our objectives will be:
- Explain the ways settlers and government officials pushed Native Americans out of their homelands, including broken promises and treaties.
- Identify the improvements made in transportation, and explain how these improvements affected travel.
- Explain how the Erie Canal boosted the country’s economy and westward expansion.
- Explain the concept of Manifest Destiny
This week we will continue learning about Angles. Our objectives will be:
- understand and apply the property that the sum of angle measures on a line is 180*
- Understand and apply the property that the sum of angle measures at a point is 360*
- Understand and apply the property that vertical angles have equal measures
This week we will write a new short story together during our class time. We will work together to include this week’s spelling words as well as to focus on synonyms and antonyms. (Students who do not participate by adding several sentences to the stories will be asked to write spelling sentences for the week……). Our learning objectives are:
- Work collaboratively to use our spelling words in context.
- Form detailed sentences focusing on: agreement, sentences structure, correct punctuation, etc.
- Identify common mistakes and peer-edit during class writing time.
- Correctly identify synonyms and antonyms and discuss how they are useful to writers and readers.
- Read books in www.Kidsa-z.com
- Read books in www.getepic.com
- Book Club with Maestra Paola on Fridays!

Spelling list for the week. Have it for each class!

Grammar focus for the week. Have it for each class!
Students will work to complete their study of the body systems using www.fossweb.com and their Tuesday meetings with Maestra Paola.