
This week we will finish learning about the Properties of Triangles and Four-Sided Figures. Our objectives will be:

  • understand and apply the properties of parallelogram, rhombus, and trapezoid
  • demonstrate understanding of the properties of triangles and four-sided figures on the chapter test


This week we will continue learning about The Civil War. Our objectives will be:

  • Summarize the political background and events that led to the Missouri Compromise.
  • Identify the abolitionist William Lloyd Garrison and his publication The Liberator, and abolitionist Frederick Douglass.
  • Explain how the growth of manufacturing in the North and the plantation system in the South increased the economic and social differences between the two regions.


Lectura y Ciencias

Thank you Adi for your outstanding science presentation! This week, students will continue presenting their end of the year science projects. I have posted a sign-in sheet in Google Classroom so they can schedule the day they would like to present. This is how the schedule looks like so far:

Monday: Emilie, Alora, Ben

Tuesday: All slots available

Thursday: Natalie, Naomi, Marisol

In literacy, Students have been working on a writing assignment. We will be publishing our pieces this week.