Spanish Language Arts
This week we will read about Familia (family).
Our objectives will be:
- ready various books about Familia to broaden our vocabulary and relate to real world examples (Epic! collection assignment)
- write about your family. (Who is in your family? Brothers? Sisters? Mom or Dad? Grandma or Grandpa? What do you like to do with your family?)
- listen to Ms.Ivary read the book Mi papá; make connections to self, other texts, and the world
- focus on using correct verb conjugations in sentences on BOTH our Vamos a corregir pages
- practice using the reading strategy making connections while reading this week
This week we will continue working on Chapter 19 El dinero.
Our objectives will be:
- recognize and name penny, nickel, dime, and quarter
- understand that ‘¢’ stands for cents
- skip-count to find the value of a collection of coins
- exchange a coin of a greater value for a set of coins of equal value
- use different combinations of coins less than 25¢ to buy things
- count money up to $1 using the ‘count on’ strategy
For the remainder of the school year we will be learning about the human body. All of our lessons will be through Brainpop Jr. These will be supported by books found in our Epic! book collection titled “The Human Body”
Our objectives will be to:
- Identify the skeletal, digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems
- Recall basic facts about the skeletal, digestive, circulatory, and respiratory systems
History and Geography
This week Lewis and Clark and the Corps of Discovery will be leaving the Great Plains and venturing into the Red Cedar forests and the Rocky Mountains. Sacagawea will get a pleasant surprise when the group encounters the Shoshone. Students will be writing about Sacagawea in their journals this week.
- Locate the Mississippi River, Missouri River, and the Rocky Mountains on a map.
- Identify the Louisiana Territory on a map
- Understand the significance of the Louisiana Territory and Purchase
- Explain the reasons that Lewis and Clark went on their expedition
- Explain why and how Sacagawea helped Lewis and Clark
- Recall basic facts about Lewis and Clark’s encounters with Native Americans
- Understand that there were many, many Native American tribes already living in the Louisiana territory before the expedition.
English Sight words
their, there, these, tell, two, too